Monday, May 11, 2009

Movie Monday: Changeling

Welcome to the first post of my summer blog series, Movie Mondays.  Like me, do you have an eagle-eye for knit (and crochet) wear on the big screen?  Are you incapable of watching a movie without taking mental note of every knitted item on the set?   Well then, these posts are for you!

Every Monday for the next few months, I'm paying homage (and frankly, nurturing my own obsession) to yarn-made items appearing in a handful of my favorite flicks.   First up: Changeling (2008).

Movie Scoop: 
Directed by the legendary Clint Eastwood, Angelina Jolie's character Christine shows her crocheted glove (and her grief) in this shot.  Crochet was never displayed more delicately than in the 1920's!

Pattern Suggestion:
Try making a similar pair using Teva Durham's "Lady-Like Gloves" from her book, Loop-d-Loop Crochet.

Happy viewing; happy hooking!


P.S.  Want to see more Knitwear in Movies?  Check out past posts on Sweeney Todd, Notes on a ScandalLars and the Real Girl, Coraline, and Zack & Miri.


  1. That is a gorgeous glove. There's something similar in knit by the fantastic Eunny Jane here:

    I'm not sure how you'd integrate the little square motifs, though.

  2. you should watch korean soap operas. they have the most amazing scarves and hats sometimes.

  3. I thought Juno had quite a few nice knitted items, if you're taking suggestions :)

  4. I just saw an awesome hat on Marisa Tomei in The Wrestler. I would LOVE to have this pattern.

  5. Beth Jinkerson8:10 AM

    I'm pretty sure Ambassador Spock's tunic in the final scenes of the new Star Trek movie was knit. Fascinating!

  6. Sursi-- I have that shot set up for June, I think. Don't have that exact pattern (I actually think it might be a mass produced, machine knit hat), I but some other hat suggestions.

    Jason--Why don't I remember that--I've seen that movie 4 times. I look again and post what I find. Thanks!

