Sunday, May 10, 2009

Handmade Mom

One of the greatest gifts my mom's given me over a lifetime, is the hours and care she's spent making things for me.  Blankets, dolls, Christmas ornaments, graduation outfit, wedding dress, baby clothes...I can't even begin to describe the amount of handmade goodness that she's showered me with over the years.   So today, on this celebration of moms across the country, I pay pictorial tribute to just the first few years of my own mother's craftiness.

This outfit could be where my love of ric-rac came from.

Hand knit, ladybug skirt & top.

Then of course, there was the Rub-A-Dub Dolly series of matching outfits.

It's hard not to feel special when you and your best doll pal, are couture-equipped to hit the town at any given moment! 

Thanks mom--I hope to give my own children even a thimble full of the handmade attention you gave me.  I love you.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you crafty moms out there!


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  1. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Nothing like the things your mom made you and your doll as a kid.
    In the 1960s when I was a kid, I'd come home from school and mom would have my Barbie in a new dress, just taken off her sewing machine, and freshly ironed.
    Moms are the BEST!!!

  2. Yep, that reminds me of my childhood. My mom was always making things for me as well.

    And today, we'll probably spend part of the day crafting together. She is, afterall, the reason I am as addicted to crafts as I am.

    Happy Mother's Day Vickie, and all the other awesome crafty moms out there!

  3. Happy Mother's Day to you too.
    The matching outfits your mom made are precious! I guess craftiness is genetic in your family?

    Have a great day.

  4. Happy Mother's Day, Vickie! I hope you had a wonderful day.

  5. hannahmiranda10:47 PM

    OMG! My Mom made me that same ladybug outfit. It was the same colors yours was! Wow!

  6. Oh my gosh...I HAD the SAME ladybug outfit! Mine was in brown with an orange lady bug and brown pleated skirt...and my mom's best friend made it in purple for her daughter too!

  7. Cute, cute, CUTE! Love the pics and the sweet thank you to your Mom.

