Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I Love to Create: Grease Lightening Fabric Dyeing!

Customized, hand-dyed fabric can be affordable and easy to make.  This week on I Love to Create I say, "Pffft to pre-designed fabrics!" showing you how to make personalized prints using supplies from you local craft store.  Live fast and dye young, people!

Hand-Dyed Fabric
Unbleached Cotton Fabric (up to 1/4 yard)
1 Package of Tulip One-Step Fashion Dye (Color: Turquoise)
Sponge Brush
Paint Brush
Plastic Wrap

(Color) Block Party:
  • Lay fabric out on a protective mat or newspaper.  Place sticky stencils on fabric in desired pattern.
  • Dab Cool Color block into stencil cut-outs (In case you're wondering why a couple of the stencils are orange, it's because I'm re-using a couple of the stencils from the bib painting party).
  • Remove stencils and re-place them where you want the pattern to repeat.  Dab on color block.  Repeat process until fabric is covered with design to your liking.
  • Let set for 30 minutes.
I'd Dye for You:
  • Mix One-Step Fabric Dye, according to manufacturer directions.  Pour into a bowl.
  • Using a paint brush, apply color to the entire piece of fabric including, over the stenciled design.
  • Once you're satisfied with the coverage, cover piece with plastic wrap and let sit for at least 4 hours.
  • Throw fabric piece into the washing machine (or hand wash) on gentle, with a small amount of soap.  
  • Hang to dry.
  • Use your new, customized fabric to make a totally unique project with!  Here are a few ideas:  
  1. Cover a journal or photo album
  2. Decoupage over an old frame
  3. Sew a small zippy bag for crafty tools
  4. Make into a rockin' baby bib
  5. Cut into appliques to add onto a skirt, shirt or tote bag
Stay tuned in two weeks, when I review Amy Butler's book "Little Stitches for Little Ones" and make one of her adorable, wee projects using my lightening bolt fabric!

Dye Crafters, dye!

xo, Vickie

See more I Love to Create projects here!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love Amy Butler's book! I can't wait to see what you'll make with the new fabric. :)

