Thursday, May 28, 2009

Guest Blogger: Jennifer Hansen on Hairpin Lace

Today, Stitch Diva and Pop Goes Crochet contributor Jennifer Hansen, gives us the scoop on how to use an old-school tool to make truly modern designs.  Enjoy!  xo, Vickie

Have you tried hairpin lace?

I was excited to contribute the Drew Pendant to Vickie's new book, "Pop Goes
", because I think it is a fast and fun little project that any new or
experienced crocheter can use to add hairpin lace to their repertoire.  But
hairpin lace is more than just just a way to make  jewelry with beads and
wire. I thought it might be fun to introduce readers of Vickie's blog to some of
the free online resources available to learn the technique, as well as some
other kinds of projects possible with this technique.

The Tool

EDJE06 - Hairpin Lace Loom - Handcrafted Walnut Frame

Making hairpin lace requires a hairpin lace frame.  When selecting a frame, the key consideration is adjustability: how wide or narrow can the frame be adjusted?  I love the Jenkins Woodworking Loom because it is the most adjustable frame that I know of. Not only can it adjust down to 1/2" width to create the Drew Pendant, it can adjust up to 6 1/8" width to create some of the designs which follow.

Learn the Basics: 

We've got a host of free, full-illustrated tutorials online, including videos, at Another great online resource is the Hairpin Crochet group on Ravelry: a great online meeting place to meet and connect with other people people interested in the technique.


What kinds of things can you make with hairpin lace? That's kind of like asking "What kinds of things can you crochet?". The answer is: Anything!!  There are so many ways in which hairpin lace strips can be edged or joined to each other, and this makes for incredible diversity in the
look of hairpin lace projects. Below is just a sampling of the ways hairpin lace strips can be worked together and the looks that can be achieved. All of the patterns for these projects are available online (some free!), click on any image for more information and downloads.

Vapor Wrap: One long strip joined to itself using basic chain and single crochet stitches.

Vapor - Hairpin Lace Shawl by you.

Hairpin Lace Neck Scarf: Six short strips of hairpin lace are simply joined using a cable join and then edged using an ornate crochet stitch.

Hairpin Lace Neck Scarf by you.

Hairpin Lace Wristlets: Delicate, lacy wristlets showcasing acrossed-loop join for hairpin lace strips.

Detail of Hairpin Lace Opera Length Wristlet by you.

Hairpin Lace Skirt: A simple chain-stitch join makes for a fluid and flouncy skirt.

great2 by you.

Lotus: Showcases the traditional feather and fan hairpin lace join to create a camisole or dress.

DressHiRes2 by you.

Masquerade: Like the Drew Pendant, this project shows how to create something beautiful out of one strip joined to itself. Best of all, this pattern is free!

Masquerade - A free hairpin lace crochet pattern by you.

Related Post:


  1. This is way cool:)Hugs Darcy
    P.S. I'm almost ready to send off your package of handmade baby goodies:)

  2. They are beautiful!
    I just LOVE it! :)

  3. Paula Durrant12:41 PM

    Congratulations on the new crafter ! We are eager for pictures !

