Here's all you need to know to make your own, customized cards!


Blank Cards or Card Stock
Fabric Scraps
Heavyweight or Resume Paper
Pinking Shears (optional)
Contrasting Thread
Sewing Machine
Sponge Brush
Step 1: Prep Your Image
- Scan or upload a picture to your computer.
- Open picture in PhotoShop; size, make adjustments and/or add effects. To replicate the look of my photo: Unlock layer (by clicking the lock symbol in the Layers window). Add Text layer, typing in whatever you'd like your card to say (you can save this step for later, if you like.) Select desired background & foreground colors from the Tools window. On the toolbar, select Filter-Sketch-Halftone. Make adjustments to contrast, if necessary. Click "ok" to save changes.

- Once you're happy with your image, lay it out in multiples on a page. Print.

Step 2: Make Layers
Step 3: Attach Layer to Card
- Trim fabric with pinking shears to slightly smaller than card front.
- Using a sponge brush, spread a layer of Tacky Glue over card front.
- Place fabric/image layer onto the card front; smooth over with your finger. Let dry.
- Repeat with different fabric scraps for a variety pack of card awesomness.
Have a creative Wednesday!