Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I *heart* Virtual Showers!

I'm as big of a consumer as the next gal.  I pine over the fact that I still don't have an iPhone, I'd have a new pair of shoes every week if I could, I buy magazines like they're going out of style (oh, wait...), and I'm a sucker for a good sale.    There's nothing though, and I mean nothing, like handmade stuff to make a girl feel all shiny and happy.  During these days of "clicking and shipping", knowing that someone put their valuable time and effort into creating something special just for you, is a huge gift in and of itself.  That's why when my online knitting group The Meowers threw me a virtual baby shower, I was all smiles.  If you got a box delivered to your doorstep filled with all of these goodies, wouldn't you be too?

Take a look at a few of the items that are going to make our little gal, the best-dressed babe on the block!

(Me, 8 1/2 months preggers, holding the loot.)

Inside those packages were these beauties, handmade by...
Karen B.  & Melinda M.

Stephanie M., Chris B. & Karen B.

Jenn B., Deb S. & Deb W.

Love someone?  Want to throw them their own virtual shower?  Here are  3-steps How-to :
1.  Contact the crafty people (friends, group members, web-board frequenters, etc.) who might like to participate in showering the specified recipient with handmade gifts.  Make sure to let everyone know the theme or what the shower is for (ie. baby, wedding, birthday or just because).

2. Designate a due date for finished items to be sent to organizer's home by.  Make sure to decide ahead of time whether each individual is in charge of wrapping their own gift, or if the organizer will handle it.

3.  Mail of the big 'ol box of knitted (or sewn, crocheted, embroidered, whatever) love to the lucky intended.

Big, mushy-gushy thanks to my girls (and guy)--Yous guys are the best!

xo, Vickie


  1. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Well done Meowers! Absolutely adorable. Not only will your wee little one be the cutest thing but also quite fashionable. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What beautiful gifts!! You're baby will definitely be the best dressed around :-)

  3. Congratulations again Vickie! those are some beautiful handmades you have there. Best, afrognamedpurl

  4. Awwwe congratulations! This is a totally awesome idea, by the way. Way to go, virtual shower throwers!

  5. Every one sent you such cute things for the baby:)
    I have 4 things ready to send off but I'm not sure if I dont want to knit up just one more item to add to the package:)((((Hugs)))) Darcy

