Monday, June 03, 2013

Girls (Painting) Night Out

Over the weekend I set down my needles and picked up a paint brush while out with a few of my girlfriends. One of the 5,324 reasons I love living in Austin is that there are places like Geeberry Art Studios that offer BYOB-learn-to-paint evenings out. Now I don't know jack (or in this case, Jackalope) about artistic painting, so this was definitely out of my crafty comfort zone. However, when friends ask you if you'd like to go drink wine and paint a mythical creature the only reasonable answer is, "yes".

Here are some shots of how the paintings come together. Studio owner/instructor Jenny Granberry made the process easy to understand, and super fun. While there's no threat of me giving up professional knitting/crochet any time soon in favor of becoming an accomplished painter, I will definitely work in this medium again. If for nothing else, to give myself a little, non-work related creative boost.

Don't forget to to set some time aside every once in a while to replenish that creative well of yours!


Step-by-step, my Jackalope began coming together.

Clockwise: Gretchen Otto, Kristin Laing, Jennifer Perkins, me & Noelle Corcoran.

My finished painting! It's random but hey, my daughter wants it in her room so I'm happy.

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