Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Photo Recap: Vogue Knitting Live, Seattle!

I'm back from Vogue Knitting Live, Seattle -- and as usual, I had a blast at this show! I got to see a bunch of friends, be inspired by a wealth of talented designers, teach crafty recruits how to knit & crochet at the Bernat Beginner Lounge, giveaway yarn to a bunch of knitters, do a little shopping, show attendees my upcoming yarns, and otherwise just wallow in the goodness that is this knitting show! Here, for your viewing pleasure is a photo recap of my 3 days at VK Live. Enjoy! --Vickie

Visiting the Jo-Ann store in Bellevue with my childhood friend, Heather.
(Psst...my hat is made with Sheep(ish) Stripes, coming in August!)

Spotted a Seattle antique store: vintage Ken set with hand knit cardigan!


Volunteer, Holly teaching the 1st student of the show.

Me coaching 8-year-old, Hazel how to cast-on.

Knitters learning to crochet.

Hooray for men who learn how to knit!

Bernat's Marketing Director gifting prize to giveaway winner.

Knitters milling around before show floor opened.

Marketplace floor.

"So You Want to Work in the Knitting Industry?" Panel
(Panelists R-L: Steven B [Yarn Garage], Cirilia Rose [Skacel], Me [Bernat], 
Carol Sulcoski [Black Bunny Yarns])

I'm in love with these, owl-topped hexagonal needles that the folks at 
(You have to check 'em out  -- each size has a different topper. 
I'm definitely going to order the Log Cabin-topped US 15s!)

Hanging knit art installation, by Suzanne Tidwell.

Yarn Installation

Gala Dinner Centerpieces by event sponsor, Skacel 
(This would work too, in Bernat Roving!)

Just one of the amazing gifts in the Addi/Skacel Gala gift bags! I'm a lucky gal.

At the Gala with Editor of Vogue Knitting, Trisha Malcolm

One of my knitting besties, Karen Baumer competing in the fastest 
knitter competition at the Gala!

I love this Dolman Sleeve Sweater from the Skacel fashion show!

Crowd lined up for the Cascade 220, end-of-show yarn drop.
(I got to be one of the people cutting the ribbons--so fun!)

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