Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine's Day Pinsperation

How is it only February, and I already feel really behind this year? Back when I had my I Love to Create or PBS Parents column, I would've had a couple of heart inspired how-tos for you by now. Alas, though I've been focused on behind-the-scene promo stuff for my other gigs, so we'll have to settle for staring longingly at some of the beautiful projects created by others, and pinned by me. Here's a glimpse at some of the projects inspiring me this month.

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

My 3 1/2 year-old daughter and I have put a couple of the pre-schooler friendly DIYdeas into action, by making out own versions. The first one was this magnet experiment.  My version uses an empty peanut butter container, some glitter tape, and a bunch of Valentine-inspired items. Most items had metal in them (pipe cleaners, bells, paper clips, etc.), but others (pom poms, sequin, etc.) did not. Clover had fun seeing how the magnet worked to attract the metal items, while leaving the other items alone.

V-Day Magnet Experiment

Clover had fun seeing how the magnet worked to attract the metal items, while leaving the other items alone. Admittedly though, she's had more fun shaking the jar at the cat while chasing him around.

The second activity we played with came from this pin. This is one of those, "why didn't I think of that" ideas: use a smooshed toilet paper roll to paint heart stamps on paper. Here's our version.

T.P. Heart Stamp

Sweet, simple and makes great wrapping for those Valentine's gifts!

Looking for more Love Day inspiration? Check out my V-Day Pinterest board for the items shown in this post and more!


1 comment:

  1. I am a preschool teacher and used the tp heart stamps for the kids to decorate their goodie bags!!

