Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mothercraft: Button Snake Activity

I've got travel on the brain. Maybe because this is busy season for us professional crafters, so there are several trips on the schedule for me over the next few months. Be sure to check out my calendar for upcoming events!

A few days ago I shared slippers that I made on a plane ride from Toronto, so today I thought I'd share a project I made to keep my toddler busy (well, for a few minutes, anyway) on our way to Puerto Rico.

Button snakes are nothing new. You've probably seen loads of ribbon versions on Pinterest. It's a great activity for little hands to practice threading while their minds recall different shapes, patterns and colors. My take on this classic project involves yarn (I know, shocker!), and colorful oilcloth (because it's easy to clean juice box spills off of.) Here's how to make one for yourself!

Button Snake in action on a plane ride!

Bernat Softee Chunky (1 ball makes a barrel full of snakes!)
Size US L-N (8-9 mm) crochet hook
Scraps of oilcloth, felt or home dec fabric (various colors)
Pinking shears or scissors
2, Buttons
Sewing thread and needle

Crocheted Button Snake


  • Make "snake": With yarn and hook, crochet an 18"/46 cm chain. Fasten off. Trim ends.
  • Make "scales": Cut out different shapes in various colors of fabric.
  • Finish off: Hand sew buttons to each end of chain snake. Cut slits approximately the width of the buttons into the center of each shape scale.
  • Put it into action: Let your kiddo thread the snake through the scales as he/she names each shape!


  1. This is a fabulous idea, Vickie! I think I'll make a few for my grand niece and try to cajole them into coming to visit. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Love these my grand kids love doing stuff like this... they are always saying things like.... Hey, grammy, that is a heart or this is a rectangle. Can you believe a 3 year old knows a rectangle? Anyway, this will be fun for them, I have a 3 and 4 year old, then twins are on their way to being a year. They will all love this ..... thanks for sharing.

