Monday, July 09, 2012

Stitch.Rock.Knit-Along: Cabled Beanie!

My son, Tanner on his first, NYC photo shoot. :)

It's about that time again for another Knit Simple, Stitch.Rock.Knit-along! The fall issue hits stands on July 27th (subscribers should get it this week, though), so we'll be ready to get out knits on starting July 31st! Join me on Facebook and/or Ravelry to make either the slouchy or fitted version of my Bean(ie) Town cabled hat.

If you've never worked with cables before, this is a great project to learn on. For those of you who are old pros, you'll love how quickly this beanie knits up! I know it's hot now, but this is a great accessory to make for back-to-school or stockpile for holiday gifts.

Click on over to the FB page or Ravelry thread for supply info and to let me know you're on board.

I look forward to knitting along with you soon!



  1. great picture and great hats

    1. margknittinaround2:48 PM

      Aww - cute pic. Getting cable fever just seeing these beanies. I just got my issue in the mail today too...woot!
      Thanks Vickie!

  2. I like the pattern! My friends tell me that cables aren't so hard... Not sur if I believe them but I have to try.

  3. I'm in!!! Cables are easy & beautiful!!!! @Cami

