Monday, July 16, 2012

Knit Simple Subscription Giveaway!

And the winners of Knit Simple subscriptions are:

*Sarah Feczer

*Chelsey Nichols

*Reni LeBard

E-mail your mailing address to


In anticipation of the next Stitch.Rock.Knit-along happening later this month, the folks at Knit Simple Magazine have donated FREE subscriptions for me to give away to 3 of my lucky readers!

For a chance to win, post a comment here with your real name and why you still love printed magazines by no later than midnight on Friday, July 20th. Winners will be picked at random and listed as an update on this post.

Good luck!


P.S. Don't want to risk not getting the Fall issue? Subscribe here!


  1. Hello this is Darla Allen.
    There is nothing like real print, it gives me a sense of security knowing it will always be around and able to pass on.

  2. Hi Vickie - I love my assortment of magazines. It's great to have a collection to refer to. It's like a finding something new all the time for a change of inspiration.
    Tricia Hodson

  3. Hello this is Margi Borck. I love to follow instructions in printed form, I've tried doing it via laptop and tablet but the printed page is just more versatile for me AND I can write on it!

  4. I'm learning to knit and crochet and love the fact that I have everything right there in front of me.

  5. That's a great question! And thanks for the opportunity to win a subscription to Knit Simple.

    I love magazines and that is one thing I will not give up in the ever-changing digital world.

    I get so excited when a magazine is in my mailbox. I put it aside and save it for a time when I can quietly sit and savor its contents. I love the feel of the paper, turning the pages and it's just an intimate experience no laptop or reading device can replicate.

    I've actually bought more subscriptions lately, because many publishers are no doubt hurting with the digital world and are offering great deals for the paper magazines.

    So that's my story!
    Ellen Margulies
    aka EllenRonnie on Ravelry

  6. I love printed magazines cause you can take them anywhere and I love to turn the pages. I can pick it up and put it down anywhere and there is nothing like marking the pages to go back and read any time I want too. Also the printed magazine will still be there when the electricity goes out.

  7. I like magazines and books to hold in my hand. I have the patterns in print and don't have to worry about how I'm going to print it out.

  8. I have to admit I've jumped into the digital books and magazines feet first but there are some magazines I just have to have! My knitting and crochet magazines and my jewelry magazines are the ones I need in my paws. I like to flip through the pages, smell the pages (lol) and it's so much easier to follow a pattern or compare different designs with an actual magazine!
    Kim Loper

  9. I prefer printed instructions - I can glance at them without needing to wake up any electronic device while I am working.
    Lisa Klutman

  10. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I love reading a real magazine because you can tear out the pages, pin them up and continue to be inspired by them every day. Georgina Giles

  11. Hello Vickie! My name is Reni LeBard and I still love printed magazines because opening a new knitting magazine is like opening a gift, over and over again. I love all the patterns, articles and "shopping" through the ads! :)

  12. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I love that you can always pull out a magazine and have the whole pattern right there to use again and again. When I print out patterns I tend to lose pages.

    Cheryl Dumont

  13. My name is Kristy, and I have always loved thumbing through magazines :) I especially love pattern mags as they always have lots of patterns, articles and inspiration, plus they don't take up much room!

  14. Margarita Gomez. I love printed magazines because I am old-school like that and I can post it up and write on the pattern so the next time I want to do the pattern all of my lessons learned are right there.

  15. Hi, I'm Mary Ellen Carter, and I love having printed magazines to browse through. Somehow it's not the same on a computer screen.

  16. Hi from Dianne Askew.
    I love printed magazines because I like turning the pages and not worrying about having an internet connection. I also like to mark my place in a pattern.

  17. I still love print magazines because 1) Getting mail is just as fun as when I was a kid and I love the smell of it (I'm not a freak, I swear!), 2) I love the way magazines look on my shelf; they're practically part of my decor, and 3) the act of flipping through a magazine is just so satisfying!

  18. hello! i'm Amber T. I love real magazines because I can write in them, sticky notes, always have it around and can take it with me and it won't get all messed up

  19. Love real print-it allows me to add notes and share them with others years from now. Something digital is not quite ready to do with the ability to share with everyone.

  20. Anonymous4:55 PM

    My name is Anne Garcia. I love real print because I take them anywhere! It's a lot easier to carry a magazine than a computer. And I know it will always work, I don't have to worry about wifi. :)

  21. My name is C.C. Almon & I love printed magazines so I can take them with me to read versus having to pull things up on my screen(s) - cell phone, kindle, etc.

  22. I really only like printed books and magazines because I like the tactile feel of them and really, nothing is as satisfying as turning a page. Theresa Morris

  23. Getting a magazine in the mail always brings a bit of joy to my day. There's something about holding a print magazine in your hands that makes it seem more real than a digital version.
    Chelsey Nichols

  24. Reading print magazines allow for better pattern enjoyment and it becomes portable anyway I go with my knitting things.

  25. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Hi, Vickie!
    Print magazines smell good! They feel good in my hands and I can more nearly tell what the finished products will be like from a print page.
    Carol Fertig

  26. It allows me to enjoy the patterns better and bring it everywhere I bring my knitting.

  27. Hi. I'm Angie Smith. I love real print because you can flip easily, highlight, use sticky notes, and you don't freak out if you drop it on the floor, unlike the over-priced ipad.

  28. Greetings I'm Mary Kay Rice. I love printed magazines sk much!! I adore the feel of it in my hands. I love flipping the pages back and forth the smell of the paper. For me it's still so much easier to reference patterns with print.

  29. Maria Morriss5:00 PM

    Hi Vickie.
    I worked in publishing for many years. (Stay at home mom now.) The printed word is like gold to me. Touching pages in a magazine or book is like nothing else. I need to feel the texture of the pages and view the photos up close. I just love it!
    Thanks for the contest opportunity.
    Maria Morriss

  30. Sheri whiteley nanainca3@att.net5:00 PM

    Hi Vicki, Iam Sheri Whiteley, I love all you have done for the knitting world. I have always and will always have printed Knit Simple magazine around. I read over and I've again then reread it again. Really there is nothing better than the real deal! I like having the patterns right there in my hand. Thank you Vicki for a chance at a great giveaway.

  31. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I love print magazines to bring to work with me and enjoy, it is easier then lugging a computer to work.

    Wendy Herman

  32. I don't have an e reader or iPad so print is the only way I buy.

  33. I love a print magazine. I like to make working copies of my patterns so I can mark them up and make notes as I go along. Can't do that with a digital edition!

  34. Because I can take them with me anywhere!
    krystofer dixon

  35. It's excinting flip the pages and find something beautiful to appreciate and it's also comforting have them around to take another look again and again...

  36. Hi Vickie,
    I LOVE getting the magazines in print. I love being able to turn the pages, mark a page, pack in my bag & take it with me. I still have almost ALL of the magazines (knitting & Spinning) and go thru them often
    Misty Urech

  37. Shani Bush

    I love it because I get it snail mail. Plus i love holding a real magazine or catalog etc in my hands.

  38. I love online patterns, but print magazines are great for flipping thru to get ideas. I like a mix of articles, patterns, and ads - I can see what's new and what's in style and stumble on things whereas online I kind of have to know in advance what I'm searching for.

    Sheila OKeefe

  39. I really enjoy the print copy to carry to work with me to read. I do enjoy a digital copy. Some magazines include the digital for free. I then save that to my computer, so if I lose my copy, or if I am traveling and need a new pattern, I can then search on my laptop for a new one to work up. Have been wanting to subscribe to your magazine. Both my husband (who also knits) and I LOVE your magazine and buy it each month.

  40. I still save all of my Crochet Today magazines and any magazine with a pattern printed in it. I just can't get into the digital versions.
    -Melissa Pierce

  41. I still love print copies because I love to write notes on the pages with Sharpies and dog ear the pages I'd like quick reference to. It's a high when I buy one. :)

  42. I love getting paper magazines, because then I can take them with me when I go to work and flip through them when I have some time.

    Heather Nielsen

  43. Trisha Pendill5:45 PM

    I love being able to flip through the magazine over and over, and also being able to toss it in my knitting bag. Perfect patterns on the go.

  44. Crystal G. here...

    I enjoy printed magazines because I can easily bookmark and copy the pages at will, and I can take them anywhere without worrying about charging it or how long the charge will last.

  45. I still love to rip things out and pin them up on a REAL cork board for inspiration!
    Jennifer Heinz

  46. The thrill and anticipation not to look at the new copy and having the willpower to wait until all is Quiet, then turning down the covers, fluffing up the pillows, and taking a relaxing journey thru the new issue- then drifting off to sleep dreaming of a new project! That is happiness- I love this magazine! Debra Walker

  47. My name is Carrie. And real magazines never need to be CHARGED!

  48. What a wonderful give away! I actually spent time this weekend looking for knitsimple at my local bookstore & was not able to find a current copy -- to my disappointment. I know that print copy is slowing moving over to electronic devices; however, I LOVE the feel of a real book or magazine in my hands.
    - Sue Brown

  49. Barbara Bracken5:49 PM

    I have been subscribing to knit and crochet mags since mid 1990s. I like going back to the old copies like old friends and rediscovering patterns I didn't try; and some that I did. I photocopy the patterns to keep with the project so the printed magazine stays in good condition.

  50. I love printed magazines especially for knitting because you have the luxury of reading it whenever you want - no electronics needed, can refer back and forth between the pages of the model and the pattern. Finally, a lot of my love of printed knitting magazines comes from just browsing them in the bookstore - it's just so relaxing.

  51. I still love printed magazines and books and I know I always will. I like the feel of them and the convenience of being able to just toss it in my bag. I don't have an e-reader, but I know if I did the expense of it would make me always worry that I would lose it or drop it or something while reading a pattern and knitting. With a magazine, if you drop it, no big deal and if you leave it somewhere, it's usually easily replaced and it's not enough money lost to cry over!
    -Kat Gatzke

  52. I love the smell of printed magazines, the crisp pages, the feel of the paper in my fingers. I save all of my magazines and often will go back and read a mag from several years back. I will find patterns that now interest me, or fall in love with a pattern I had forgotten all about.

  53. Hey! My name is Amy, and I just love printed magazines AND books! There is nothing like it!Just turning the pages...and I wear them out! I am such a nerd aren't I?? : ))

  54. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Holding the magazine and flipping through it over and over and over again, I still find something new. A magazine won't crash or get a virus and its always on my night stand.
    Love Knit Simple!!
    Mary Reigstad

  55. I know print magazines because they are lighter than my iPad and I can take them anywhere!

  56. Hi - my name is Kathryn Gorman-Lovelady. I'm a knitter, crocheter, jewellery maker and quilter and have been teaching for years... Printed magazines are wonderful to share with people in a group, as an impetus for discussion and sharing. Real pictures are necessary for students and this is a huge asset. Fashion runs in cycles so I keep my magazines to compare and contrast the evolution of style. Love my magazines! Thank you, Rev. Kathryn Gorman-Lovelady

  57. Bonni6:04 PM

    I love the glossy slick feel of magazines! I love that you can take a magazine anywhere, read it anywhere and share it with everyone.

  58. Hi Vickie,

    I love print magazines because of the tactile experience: the smell of the pages, the glossy sheen on the pages, the silky feel as you turn the page. I read a lot on my iPad but nothing beats the actual printed word :)

    Ashleigh Bronner

  59. I prefer print magazines because I don't need electricity access my favorite patterns. ;)

  60. How fabulous! Thank you, Vickie. :) I love printed magazines and books. I worked in a bookstore for 12 years (sadly they went out of business last fall)...and I enjoyed browsing - and buying - tons of printed material, including my beloved knitting magazines. I miss Knitty Gritty so much, and I'm delighted that you have features in one of my favorite knitting magazines. :) Thank again, again! Theresa MacNaughton

  61. Although I love my Kindle Fire, I still prefer magazines in printed form. Plus, the screen on my Kindle is too small for me to enjoy magazines on.
    -Lori Bokavich

  62. It's so nice to be able to look through all the previous editions of magazines to decide on what project to do next and the print copies fit into my yarn bag to be able to go wherever I go. Also, print editions never have a dead battery.
    Ann Dick

  63. There's nothing like relaxing on the porch with a glass of wine and a good magazine - especially one filled with lots of fun knitting projects!

    Jennifer Anderson

  64. I have a lot of patterns on my computer, but I always want a hardcopy to work by - plus, mysterious computer gremlins might someday attack my computer, and then where would I be?
    Jane Hartin

  65. I love print magazines because you can carry them everywhere you cannot take a cellphone or laptop. I also like to hold onto them to get ideas and inspirations for future projects.

    Paula Pesapane

  66. Online patterns are great, but there's nothing like the feel and smell of PAPER! Or yarn... :)

  67. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I love print magazines and Knit Simple is my favorite knitting magazine! I like turning the pages and sharing patterns with my mom. I tried a knitting magazine on my iPad and it was hard to read the pattern.

    Jessica Caverno

  68. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I still like printed magazines because I like my pattern up close and personal when I'm knitting or crocheting! If it's on the computer I can't get to it at night because I'm in a wheelchair and I'm already down for the night and can't get up again by myself. I have to print off the pattern anyway, so I might as well just use one tree instead of two! lol Thank you for the chance to win!!!
    Gloria Patterson

  69. I love being able to hold a magazine in my hands! Online mags are nice but just not the same! Thanks for entering me into your drawing!

  70. I love printed magazines because on lazy days, I take out my magazines and review them. Looking for new and old trends.I love to see the repeat styles.

  71. Mary Thomis6:21 PM

    I like printed magazines because I can save them to refer back to, and because I can make notes in the margins!

  72. I love the feel of the pages and the color and size of the pictures. I love that I can sticky note the things I want to make and I can roll it up and put it in my bag to take anywhere.

    Lisa-Marie Johnson

  73. Debbie6:25 PM

    I really enjoy print magazines and have dozens of them. I go through them for inspiration every chance I get. My name is Debbie Michael and would love a subscription to Knit Simple.

  74. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I like to sit back and read a magazine. I don't have a portable doohickey so I would have to sit at my computer desk to read an online magazine.

    I think the printed magazine is easier on my eyes.


  75. I love paper magazines because I like to be able to hold it and look at it.

    Michel Espey

  76. I love to hold a new magazine in my hands, look through it, and dream about all the things I'd love to knit, the yarn I'd love to squish, and the gadgets I'd love to own!! Digital can't take the place of that new magazine smell!! And I certainly can't read the patterns as well on a digital device!! I love my magaz
    -Shama Dawson

  77. I am Desireé Watkins and I love the tactile experience of turning the pages and ear-marking future projects :-)

  78. I love my magazines. I have saved every one since 1975. That is a lot of fiber magazines....

  79. What a great giveaway! I love having the magazine patterns in print so that I always have them and can take them with me :)

  80. Hi Vickie, I just LOVE you and your works, designs! I am knew to knitting and would LOVE LOVE LOVE a free subscription of KnitSimple! THANK YOU for the CHANCE!!! I don't even have an e-reader or anything like that, so print would be my only way to go. SMILES JoAnn Dillon

  81. I like printed patterns because it's much easier to keep track of them. I bought a book reader, and am finding that I still would rather read real, hold-it-in-your-hand books. I can also flip through them much more quickly than with a book reader, they'll stay on the page I open them to, and I can mark them up if I want. My books and patterns never have a battery quit and leave me unable to read, and they don't flip to a different orientation if I don't handle them carefully.

    Johann Mitchell

  82. I love to look at them over and over, I love the feel of books and magazines. I take one with me everywhere I go. They are so much easier to use when they are in paper form.

    Angela Werner

  83. Kathy6:43 PM

    Hey! I ADORE print magazines! Actually, I think I have an (un)healthy obsession with them. Every time I vow to not buy any more, a new edition comes out, and I MUST have it! I can't help it. Long live the print magazine!

  84. Nothing will ever replace the smell of a new magazine. It sits there on the counter, luring you in with it's inky smell and shiny pages :)
    Emily Caler

  85. janknits6:46 PM

    My name is Janine Minch - I love to turn pages and flip back and forth. If it's just text - my kindle is great - but for pictures and patterns - there's nothing like the printed page - - - knit on - - -

  86. Anonymous6:50 PM

    This is Karen Lorentz. I love your magazine. Great style but not ridiculous! I bookmark so many patterns and have made a lot of them. Making the boatneck sweater from last issue right now.

  87. janknits6:52 PM

    My name is Janine Minch - I love to turn pages and flip back and forth. If it's just text - my kindle is great - but for pictures and patterns - there's nothing like the printed page - - - knit on - - -

  88. Donna Morgan6:53 PM

    I save all my print magazines. Tastes change over the years and knitting knowledge grows. I just finished a cabled sweater from a very old mag that I would never have attempted back then.

  89. Not easy to put post it notes on a screen! Thanks for doing this! April Boomershine

  90. Call me old fashioned...there is nothing like glossy magazine pages.

  91. Love to look at all the possibilities in a print magazine - even if I haven't had time to knit, it is still eye candy and inspirational! Pat Canaday

  92. Deb V7:13 PM

    I love my knitting magazine. If I am looking for a pattern or ideas I will page through some of the older magazine for inspiration.

  93. Barbara7:15 PM

    They're tangible! I'm a tactile person and magazines - real printed magazines - are tangible. Like my knitting and crocheting, I like to feel the textures, commune with the fibers and really get my hands into it. Please, please pick me! I would love to get my hands on a subscription to Knit Simple.
    ~ Barbara Fairchild ~

  94. I love printed magazines because reading on a computer screen just isn't the same as turning the pages of a magazine!



  95. i love knitting magazines, especially knit simple! i love getting them in the mail, it really brightens my day :-)
    cassandra briscuso

  96. I love print magazines. I save them and put them in plastic sleeves. When knitting a project from them I photo copy the pattern so not to destroy the magazine. I love they way a magazine feels and the way I can flip back and forth pages at my speed. Thanks for the chance to win. Debra Czarnogursky

  97. Hi Vickie,
    I have bought issues of knitting mags for my I-Pad, but I definitely prefer my printed mags. The e-issues are nice but there is nothing like a printed mag. The details and colors are so important to me, and I think they are much better in print. I would love a print sub to Knit Simple!! I love that mag's projects and style!!
    Thanks much for the opportunity,
    Betsy in the soggy Seattle suburbs

  98. I love having a subscription to the magizines because I share a computer and can't always have the online version. I spend hours pouring over the patterns
    Robin D

  99. Printed magazines are the bonbons of the publication world! Settling down with a printed magazine can be such a guilty pleasure.

    Cynthia Smith

  100. I love the freedom of having print magazines, I can carry them in my project bag and I don't have to print any pages, especially color photos of the finished item.
    Thanks for the chance!
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  101. Is it crazy of me to love the smell of books and magazines? A kindle has nothing on real books and literature you hold in your hand. Easy reference and having a hard copy on you at all times! : )

  102. I love magazine subscriptions as you can enjoy every issue for years to come!!!
    thanks for the chance in the giveaway
    Deb Ramsay

  103. Love the touch and feel of turning pages!

  104. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Love this magazine, I hope I win

  105. Well, I am Annette Montanaro and i never had a knit magazine. I have been a knitter for about a year now, and learning how to read by watching lots of youtubes... =)) I would love to see what your magazine has or it would be easy to follow reading patterns... but i am also afraid, that is weird... to be afraid of following a written pattern..

    Thank you for reading my post.. =))

  106. I love print editions because the pictures seem better and not having to worry about computer or website crashes erasing a pattern I wanted to hang on to.
    -Jackie French

  107. Hi Vickie! I love magazines! Because you can "archive" and there is just something so special about pulling them out, sitting in the middle of the pile and walking back through time. It's so fun to "rediscover" those old patterns :)
    Erica A. Slauson

  108. It is so much easier to cuddle up with a magazine and dream about what I am going to make next. Much harder to do with a computer!

  109. I am Desireé Watkins. I love the tactile experience of turning the pages and ear-marking future projects! :-)

  110. Heather McKenzie7:57 PM

    I love print. As crunchy and green as I am, I have a very hard time reading digital. I can't touch it. I can't scribble mad notes all over it. I can't scrunch it up into a ball and fling it against the wall when I am angry cuz I can't figure out what I am supposed to do; and then laugh like the village idiot when my cat pounces on it. To paraphrase Stephen Fry, "Books (magazines) are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators." This is Heather McKenzie

  111. For me, nothing beats being able to hold the gorgeous glossy photography of styled garments in my hands. Thanks so much for the chance to win. Anne J-Z

  112. As much as digital subscriptions cut down on paper clutter, the reading experience is much diminished. Holding a magazine, I am able to see the text and photo all at once - having to zoom or scroll is a bother.

    Reading a knitting magazine on my tablet or on my PC somehow removes me from the experience of understanding a pattern.

    Dawn V.

  113. janalee Kelly8:04 PM

    Bought my first Knit Simple because of the Vickie Howell knit a long shawl pattern. Now am waiting for July 24 to get the next one.

  114. I'll take hard-copy over digital any day -- it's easy to
    store and take along in my knitting bag. And there's nothing like the feel of the paper between your fingers, as you peruse the latest copy (or one you've saved for years) to find just-the-right article or pattern.

  115. I love your magazine... and I can take the printed copy with me to share with others, getting them excited about your projects, too!
    Lorie Konopka

  116. i love print mags because i can take it with me where ever i go.. . i love to see the full magazine sized pics better then a digitized version.

  117. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Dear Vickie, I always anticipate the thrill of getting my Knit Simple magazine-then wait with will power for the evening when all is quiet and I turn down the covers, fluff up the pillows and spend a good hour enjoying every morsel-then drift off to sleep dreaming of my next knit project! Gotta love this magazine- I keep them forever!Debbie from NC

  118. I think it is easier to read a print magazine--you don't have to charge a magazine. Maybe I'm old-school, but I prefer print. Suzette Wilkes

  119. I like having print versions of magazines so I can dog-ear and write on the patterns I like.
    Vanessa Daniels

  120. Hi Vikkie!! I've literaly just been reading about you in Lela Nargi's book "Knitting Lessons" -spooky!!! I've just started buying knitting magazines, as I taught myself to knit a couple of years ago, and really want to get past scarves & wrist warmers!!

    I love print magazines, every time I go into a bookstore, or to Walmart, I am always checking out the crochet and now knitting magazines, to the despair of my hubby! And getting a beautiful colourful magazine in my mailbox would for sure beat brown envelopes and bills!!

    Happy stitching & good luck everyone!!

    Steff Walker

  121. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Hi this is Laurie Brennick,
    There's nothing more exciting than opening my mailbox, expecting bills, and finding a colorful magazine just for me !!! Every issue brings something new that I can carry with me everywhere.
    I'm so excited at the chance to win something I love so much.

  122. Print versions of magazines are great for a number of reaons: it's portable without having to worry about a glitch with technology; notes can be added for use later or another time; you know it is going to be where you put it unlike online where it's possible for the company to go out of business or the technology to be no longer supported and finally...the print will not fade unlike some items that are printed on a home printer!

    Denise Mangini

  123. I'm Karen Bower. I love print magazines & save most of them! (Yeah, I need to weed!) They provide inspiration and fantasy-completed projects (in my mind). Flipping through a magazine excites my senses. A digital copy is good to print from. . . but I need my paper!!

  124. Sara Schuster9:06 PM

    I love getting mags in the mail. I am old fashioned I guess I still like reading books and mags the old fashioned way.:}
    Thank you,
    Sara Schuster

  125. Reading knitting magazines reminds me of knitting with my Gramma when I was young. She always had a few knitting magazines and random printed patterns beside her knitting chair. I store all of my patterns electronically, but every once in a while, I like to buy a physical copy of a knitting magazine. This always brings back the feeling of sitting on the floor beside my Gramma's chair while she knits and I flip through her latest knitting magazine.

  126. Thanks for the chance! I look forward to each new issue.

  127. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Nothing beats the paper in front of u .
    Holly W

  128. Amber Nagel ( PM

    there's just something about actually holding, touching and flipping the pages that is exciting. also getting mail in your mail box makes you feel special. the pictures are also so much better!

  129. Anonymous9:25 PM

    My name is Sandie Drozdik. I love magazines in print. I've saved most of them for future reading and patterns. As my skill increases I can go back and find a pattern I maynot have had the skill at first.

  130. I am in a family of six with only one computer to share! Without books and magazines to read and carry around with me, I wouldn't get much accomplished, as far as knitting/crochet goes! Looking forward to next Knit Simple issue and Knit-Along!
    Jami B.

  131. I don't have an e-reader, therefore no e-zines. :). Seriously, I did get one online magazine and only read one issue - the site was terrible and I had trouble printing patterns off. I'll probably be one of the last paper subscribers someday!

    Thanks for the contest!
    Jules Shearer

  132. I like printed knitting magazines so I can make printed copies of my patterns to put in my knitting bag with the project. I never, ever, have to think about whether it is charged or not either!
    Tammy M

  133. Della stone10:21 PM

    in this age of advance technology , how many times have you walked out the door without ..say your phone. well if i won a subscription i could put my current magazine in my bag of knitting which follows me just about every where ,even when i forgot and left my phone plugged into the charger at home.pick me,pickme!:)

    Della Stone

  134. I love printed magazine because the batteries can't run out.
    Katie Comer

  135. I much prefer the printed version of magazines, books & newspapers. They are so much easier to read, and more enjoyable. As a retiree from a printing plant, I hate to see the decline of printed media. Magazines and books can be kept for years and referred to whenever desired. Thanks for the chance to win. Peggy Parks

  136. Nothing compares to a physical print edition of a magazine for its portability, usefulness, convenience, and overall ambiance. I would not want to ever be without the tactile pleasure of print magazines (and books).
    -Leisa Fobes

  137. I don't have worry about fitting to screen. I prefer flipping through actual pages over scrolling electronic ones. I look smarter with a shelf full of books and magazines. We have enough people losing their jobs, I want to keep printers in business.

  138. I love print magazines because I can have my pattern anywhere and everywhere! (and I do take them everywhere!) It is especially nice when the power goes out!!!

    It's also fun to show them off!

    Katrina Dixon

  139. Laura Larimore10:52 PM

    I like print magazines because I am old fashioned LOL. I love the textures, the smells, the way you can enjoy it with all your senses.

  140. I like magazines because I can write notes on the pages. -Josephine

  141. I really enjoy the feeling of being able to flip back and forth, scribble notations, and being able to leave it lying around so I can pick it up for inspiration anytime.

    (goodstuff on Rav)

  142. Mary Roisland11:37 PM

    Knitting is my portable craft (as is crochet). While on my life adventures, our family (I'm the mother hen to four chicklets and partner to my penguin) does not watch television. Funny though, it was television (and the blessed Knitty Gritty with a spunky red head), that brought me to knitting. Since we do not watch the black box of boredom and endless munching, we do other garden, hike, bicycle, fly kites, play board games, go camping, dream of kayaking, and laze about with books and magazines. A knitting magazine is a portable piece of propaganda, used by me to influence the masses (or just a friend), that hand knits are not only worthy, but better than anything else. How can I spread the love of stitch by stitch happiness without a compilation of another's joyous art bestowed upon 80+ pages of glossy greatness? A magazine can travel in the car with you, never needs charging, can be used as a learning tool, a fly swatter, and an umbrella....and yet conveys information through picture and word that is frozen upon the pages in masterpieces. I don't want to win a subscription, I want you to donate a subscription for me. Donate the subscription to a Boys and Girls Club, or an outreach youth group, so that the love of hand crafting with yarn is passed on, shared, and loved.

  143. Hi Vickie! I like printed magazines stuff because I knit while curled up in my recliner. When knitting the easy parts, I flip through the magazine to read the editorial and tutorial content. Very fun. I even have knitting magazines from the 80's that I still go through!

    Cathy Brose

  144. Anonymous12:04 AM

    I am a magazine junkie from way back. My house is full of books and old magazines. I have a large selection of old crochet magazines but I am new to knitting so would love to start a knitting magazine collection as well. I actually was lucky to just recently be given some knitting magazines dating back to the early fifties and sixties that were my Aunt's who was the one to first teach me to crochet when I was a young girl. I will always be one to buy the actual print as long as it stays available. Love magazines!

    Vonciele Slack

  145. Lorraine Z.12:53 AM

    I really love the KnitSimple magazine. Last year, I had a subscription to it, but due to my unemployment I am not able to purchase a subscription this year. I have been buying it at the store. Would love to win a subscription. It it a great resource and I look thru all of them frequently for ideas. I am a slow knitter as I have several ufo's (knit, cross-stitch, etc.) It goes with the territory when you have a 7 y.o. daughter who is always vying for your attention. Keep up the fantastic publication!

  146. wonderful magazine and there are always great ideas and tips. i wait anxiously for it to com out each time and would love to win a copy it would be a real pick me up in a touch few months. thanks Barbara Penatzer

  147. Opening a magazine seems to take me back to my childhood and that first excitement of holding something special in your hand that is new and all yours!! Where ever I go a magazine goes with me to accompany my knitting.

  148. I love print magazines - especially craft ones. Have a whole room full of knitting and cross stitch magazines. I sit and read them all the time for inspiration for my next project or just to relax and zone out for awhile.
    Can have many open at once - spread all over the floor - to compare ideas.
    Linda Rumsey

  149. I prefer printed patterns because they travel better, I can write on them and I like having them in my hot little hands!

  150. I like real magazines for knitting and crochet, because then I can actually have them with me and I don't have to worry about connectivity issues or battery dying or even a virus attacking my system.

  151. Print magazines are great. Not only do I read them, but so does my 6 year old daughter. It brings us both together more and we share a common interest in each and every design. I love sitting down to read one of my print magazines, because soon after my daughter grabs a copy from the stack and is soon joining in, even making comments about one design or another and getting excited when she finds something she just has to make. The latest design is a rather cute teddy bear in a little jacket. It just isn't the same on the touchpad.
    Sharon B. from Australia

  152. Hi Vicki!

    My name is Rebecca Hunt. I love magazines, books, maps, and anything that is print! That's because I am a librarian. So it is quite natural for me to enjoy the feel of a new magazine or book in my hands. While I am a part of the digital world with e-readers and such; nothing can take the place of receiving my knitting magazines and other print materials in the mail. It is so exciting, personal and comforting.

  153. Trina Czubaj5:42 AM

    I love to cozy into my favorite knitting chair with my favorite cup filled with Earl Grey tea and delight in each and every word of Knit Simple magazine. The patterns are always displayed in vibrant, hip colors and exciting yarns and entice me to start knitting them immediately. There is something for every knitter; from the novice to the advanced.

  154. I love magazines, it is fun to leaf through the page, having dog eared pages. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Joan Brown

  155. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I will always buy Knit Simple in the printed form because I take it with me many places, use post-it notes to mark favorite pages, and write in it. I love how my favorite issues get that well-loved look about them having gone any places with me and been flipped through many times. My Knit Simple magazines get treated with respect and claim a place on my bookshelves in cardboard magazine holders! That allows me to look at my lovely collection and get inspired!

    Knit Simple magazine is the only knitting magazine I buy anymore! I love that the patterns are just that, Simple! And because of that, knitting can continue to be a stress reducing activity for me! And I want to finish my projects in a reasonable amount of time. For all these reasons, I love Knit Simple magazine, especially in print form!

    Suzanne Darrah

  156. There are just some things that need to be in print, and knitting magazines are one of them! There's something about flipping through each page, seeing all the ads, tagging all the patterns I want to make...Thanks for the chance to win!
    Kimberly Yue

  157. Digital is great, really. But, if like me, you will knit when the power is out despite 100 degree weather and thunder storms and humidity to die from, then the fabulousness of paper rules.
    Lenore HOpkins AKA Thistledown54

  158. Hi from Patti Anne Baldassaro! I love getting print craft magazines, because that means it's me time, add a cup of tea and it's heaven.

  159. I love everything about print magazines! I love having all those patterns in one place, all the beautiful pictures, and the fun articles!

  160. I love holding magazines in my hands, turning the pages, folding down the corners. Can't get that experience from a tablet. Plus, it's always nice to get a magazine in the mail. Makes me feel special.

    1. I feel EXACTLY THE SAME WAY! The fun of receiving the mail is opening the "surprises".

  161. I love knitting magazines because you just can't beat real deal pictures! So inspiring! Sitting down with a knitting magazine is like sitting down with a good book.

    Sarah F., Fort Lauderdale

  162. Toni Bishop7:32 AM

    I am an Instructor at a Craft Store and like taking in old magazines to help them imagine what they might do. This stretches their imagination and helps them love the art of knitting as much as I do.

  163. Julia Schreib - I love written instructions and the beautiful photographs. Articles on method and history of knitting make it like the cake after a great meal.

  164. I have an iPad & iPod Touch, but I have yet to read a magazine on one of them. I LOVE to flip through pages the old fashioned way and LOVE receiving my very own magazine in the mail. I don't love to create waste, though. I save all of my knitting magazines so I'm not creating waste. All other magazines I take to our local library so others can pick them up for their own use (I hope they're recycled later). Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome gift!!! Stephanie Gordon (

  165. The printed magazine is easy to mark up, tag, haul around, and refer to as often as you like without it being a major deal.
    Meegan I.

  166. I find that I use my printed magazines more than the digital version. I like the conveinence of digital but having a stack by the bed for nighttime perusing is just fun.

  167. I like mag subscrips because it's like giving yourself a gift every month and you never know what's under the cover. The best part... You can pass them on to family and friends!


  168. this is a wonderful giveaway!!!
    I absolutely LOVE this magazine!!!!
    I have a rubbermaid container where I save knitting and crohet magazines, I love being able to take them out and re-read them anytime I want. PLUS, I've been able to help people that have been searching for past issues!! :o)

    Angelina Glass

  169. I love the surprise of finding the new issue of my favorite printed magazines in the mailbox. I can set it aside, then take my time to relax, browse and savor. It's a special treat!
    Nicole Esposito

  170. I like having a paper archive, with pages I'm able to flip through and bookmark!

  171. Personally, I like that the patterns are themed. If I'm looking for a bunch of variations on mittens at Christmas time, all I need to do is go to the store and grab a new winter knitting magazine...chances are there will be several pairs in there. When it comes to books, there are few I still keep, but that's a sapce issue. Magazines, on the other hand, my other half will attest that I hold on to every copy I've ever bought. He would know. He helped me move them twice this year already with one more coming on. "Knit Simple" is actually my favorite, because the patterns are easy enough for any level, and yet always pretty, always nice, always good as gifts. And, their definition of "plus size" is true to form in their patterns...unlike many other magazines.

    Jennifer Houle

  172. Anonymous9:37 AM

    julie bauer here! i did the shawl knit along... first one to post my finish.. i love the magazine!! in print is so much easier for me to follow since my husband has this laptop playing poker all the love ya vickie!!xo

  173. Anonymous9:50 AM

    the batteries do not wear out....

  174. In the age of so much digital I love the feel of a magazine. I also can follow the pattern easier in a printed magazine.

    Larissa Goff

  175. I like to sit when I have a few minutes to my self and enjoy looking over a magazine. Rereading articles and marking which patterns I want to do first and which one to save for latter. I am visual so I like looking at pictures.

  176. I would to win this magazine because I have done a couple of the KALs with you on Ravelry.

    Teresa Coats

  177. Knit Simple reminds me of Knit.1, good patterns without crazy techniques...
    Plus, who doen't like to get snail mail that isn't a bill; it is like a present!

  178. I love magazines and to feel the pages and to mark them with post it notes!

  179. I like print magazines because I like holding it in my hand. If I were to find a pattern that I like in a digital magazine, I'd have to print it out and file it somewhere. Then I'd forget where I filed it or lose it altogether. Magazines have a special storage spot in my studio.

  180. I like paper magazines because they are easier to work from than a computer screen. My name is Debbie Hallamek. Thanks!

  181. I like print because there is something special about holding it and turning the pages.
    Thanks for the chance to win a subscription.
    Kathrynn Polfer

  182. My name is Michelle Davidson.
    I love paper magazines because I love sharing after I'm done with them. And I like ripping out the pages to put in project books.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  183. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I like to keep copies of magazines or I keep the pages in a binder. I don't have to print what I want.

  184. This is really a no-brainer...knitting is a very tactile craft, and magazines can be viewed, reviewed, flipped. The ink smell, the feel of the magazine paper, the bright colors, the ads for new stuff, and the feel of a personally addressed gift every month. LOVE IT! By the way, my name is Jenny Blew

  185. My real name is maria eads
    I love printed magazines (especially crafting ones) because they last forever. my favorite one is a magazine I found that is from 1970. Goodhousekeeping needlecraft. It was the summer edition, and it had knitted bathing suits. While those may not be so hot, the other things in there would be increadibly hot. Full length wool summer dresses, and jackets. The magazine is awesome though, it also has a tutorial for making a kits safari.

  186. I still like magazines as hardcopy. There's something about turning the pages, seeing photos full size. And I don't have to fiddle with a printer when I want to hold on to something in my files. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  187. I Sarah Feczer still love print mags because, there is something about holding it in your hands. Besides, having a digital pattern means your computer needs to be right next to you and print mags are very portable! No electricity required!

  188. Hi Vicki...I did comment but can't find it...I love magazines/books...I do not own a Kindle or reader of any sort nor do I really want one. I prefer magazines/books instead. Nothing can replace turning a real page...putting marks/comments in the margins...I love the's the only knitting one I buy...thank you for this chance...Ann Kinderknecht

  189. I like my technology, but when it comes to knitting patterns, I want paper in my hands. I can still have my patterns even if there were no power or battery available. (I watch too much SciFi stuff!!!! lol)

  190. I like printed because it is mobile. You can bring with you even when you might not have electic access. If you travel it is gret to look at (as I usually travel by train). I can circle the number for the sizes and the items belonging to a particular project.

  191. While I enjoy reading a good book on my Nook, my magazines must be printed -- MUST! There's nothing like holding a magazine in your hand and easily being able to flip all around... and with knitting magazines, it's a TRIPLE must!

  192. I still like printed mags because I can see the whole page at once. On my e-reader I have to blow up pdfs in order to read the text, but then I can't see the whole page. Not to mention I don't have to worry about the battery running out!

    Sarah Duehr

  193. I still prefer printed magazines and books. Now that I am getting older, I usually have to adjust the print size on my electronic device, but I never have to adjust a magazine! Thanks for the giveaway!
    Susan Ginter

  194. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Hi, Vicki!
    I would LOVE the chance to win a subscription for Knit Simple, this is Linda Yuen! I enjoy hard copies of magazines and books because I enjoy flipping through them and going back and forth rather than flicking online.

  195. Love technology for research but still prefer the printed page for reading. A magazine can be read in the tub, doesn't run out of juice, is easier to bookmark, and doesn't cost hundreds of dollars to replace!!

  196. My middle-aged eyes find that they can pick up more detail from the printed page, particularly on photos of knitted items. I love e-mags, but usually find myself wishing that I could look at the project photos on an actual printed page.
    Thank you for the giveaway!
    Debbie Dawson

  197. I love my craft magazines. I also love my Nook, but I don't like it for my craft magazines. I like to keep my magazine with the project I'm working on, and no way can I afford to have a Nook for every project I have going.

    I have a bunch of old Workbasket magazines from before I was born. I snatch them up whenever I find one. Maybe one day after I'm gone someone will be excited to find my old KnitSimple magazine, and enjoy knitting a "retro project"

    Amy Mitchell
    Roanoke VA

  198. My name is Yvette Masullo and the terrific thing about real print is that: 1) it is scannable so you CAN keep it in your tech gadget (I use Dropbox to keep all my files so wherever I find myself, I can find my patterns and buy what I need), 2) it is tactile, and as a high school teacher to young men with learning issues, I have always professed that tactility is part of learning and being able to handle something does just that, 3) what's better than drifting off to sleep while browsing though your magazine and thinking of the wonderful things you might make...and hopefully falling asleep this way plants the seeds of ideas in your mind so you can dream new ideas!.
    Obviously, as many have said, a print magazine is a terrific thing to keep on your shelf as a reference and a source of inspiration!

  199. I love printed magazines because I do most of my reading and knitting on my lunch hour at work.

