Monday, March 29, 2010

Movie Monday: Jennifer's Body

In my book, Diablo Cody (Juno/United States of Tara) can write no wrong so I'm going to just assume that along with the clever dialogue in Jennifer's Body, she also wrote all of the knitwear into the character descriptions. Oh, and since I interviewed Diva Zippa who mentioned in my article that she knitted a cape for Diablo, I'm also going to pretend that there's only 1 degree of separation between her and Movie Mondays. Okgoodthanksbye.

Amanda Seyfried as "Needy", wearing a Cabled Jacket

Chevron Hairpin Lace Afghan

Boucle, Rolled-Brim Beanie

Aztec Intarsia Cardigan

Recommended Knitting:'s Arusha Jacket, by Margaret Willson
Rolled-Brim Hat, by Cynthia Spencer
A Dude's Sweater, by Sabrina Thompson

Happy viewing; happy stitching!


1 comment:

  1. i loved this movie (and diablo cody CAN DO NO WRONG) and the knits! made the isolation in the film feel a little warmer. xo

