Monday, March 08, 2010

Me + Caron= Big Announcement!

Heya, my crafty peeps--I'm thrilled to finally be able to announce to you that I've signed on with Caron (makers of Simply Soft & yarns) as their new, spokesperson!
As of today you can expect to see me representing their trusted, yarn-y goodness via articles, social networking, exclusive designs and more.

I can't tell you how excited I am to have to opportunity to be a part of a company who's products are accessible to everyone, no matter their location or budget. I feel like it's just another way for me to stay connected with all of you wonderfully loyal, readers and Knitty Gritty fans!

Please look for Caron (and me) on our new Cuckoo for Caron Ravelry group, share your project pictures with us on Flickr, add Caron on Twitter and continue to shout out on their FaceBook Fan Page. I'll be hanging out at all of those places, cheering, knitting and crocheting along with you!

Feel like making somethin'? Well then, please take a moment to check out my 5 projects for Man, Woman, Child & Home that are available free to you on my page on the Caron website. Stitch 'em up and check back often, because there's more where that came from!

Stay tuned here for Movie Monday (later today) and coming soon, my KnitSpotting posts on the Caron blog!


Psst! Don't forget you can follow me personally on Twitter, too!


  1. That's great news! Congratulations to you and Caron both!

  2. Congratulations Vicki and Caron for the partnership that you have formed! I hope there's a LOT of crochet in the future. I'll be checking in.

  3. That is awesome! I love Caron yarn!! I use their yarn all the time!

  4. Congratulations! Best wishes to you on your new adventure!

  5. Congrats, Vickie! You are awesome, and so deserving. And hot!

  6. Wow! That's AWESOME!


  7. Congratulations Vickie...that's what's up!!!

  8. Great news! Can't wait to see all the awesome things you'll make.

