Monday, May 25, 2009

Movie Monday: Fargo

Cohen brothers' classic Fargo, takes place in bone-chilling North Dakota--the perfect setting for a little knitwear costuming! 

Kristin Rudrud's character Jean, wearing a pastel pink, bobble & cable cardigan.

"Jean" wearing a bobble-crazy cardigan, while knitting her next project.

Bar patron wearing a kitty cat, knit sweater.

Francis McDurmond's character Police Chief Marge Gunderson, wearing a men's, ribbed sweater.

Recommended knitting:

Happy viewing; happy knitting!

xo, Vickie

Read more Knitwear in Movies posts here.

All screen shot photos taken by Vickie Howell.


  1. I love watching for knits in movies. I get so excited.

  2. I loved the knits in the movie "Eight Below" too. These are fun, Vickie - thanks for posting them.

  3. Fargo is one of my all-time favorite movies. Every time I'm in a Hardee's drive-thru I have to stop myself from doing a Marge Gunderson "Helloooooooooo" into the speaker. *LOL*

  4. Oh I love those bobbles!

  5. kuwaii1:24 PM

    I love the idea of tracking knits in the movies! Just finished watching "Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel" and there are quite a few knits and crochet in there.

