Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Great Craft Books to Check Out+Giveaway!

The craziness (read: workload) from last year's Vickie Howell for Caron Sheep(ish) launch along with writing my 7th book, sort of hi-jacked my work life for the past 9 months. In the meantime, piles of great books from other designers have graced my desk and albeit late, there are a few I'd love to introduce (re-introduce?) you to. Here goes!

Stencil 201, by Ed Roth (Chronicle Books)

I'm a huge Ed Roth fan. His stencils are graphic, cool and right on trend. I've used them at my baby shower, on t-shirts, on my daughter's wall, and to make wall hangings for my sons. I loved his first two books, so I was thrilled when he asked me to be a part of his third; this one filled with great collaborations. For my part, I wrote up needle felting instructions using roving and his stencil on a repurposed, felted sweater. Ed then had a friend whip up a version of the project. Nab this book for loads of kik-arse stencils (now in plastic!), and instructions for using them with non-traditional mediums like embroider, plaster, frosting and leather! Oh, and don't forget to read my conversation with him in Craft Corps!

Socktopus, by Alice Yu (Taunton Press)

I'm admittedly not much of a sock knitter or designer. I sort of get it, but it normally just isn't my thing. This book however (and Alice Yu), may have me converted. Here's why: a.) It's name involves wordplay. You know how I loves me the puns, and although this isn't quite one it's still really good. b.) the designs and yarn choices are all lovely, without being too frilly-- she did a great job of juxtaposing bold, modern colors with traditional stitch patterns. c.)The photography and styling are right up my alley--a little bit vintage mixed with an urban flair and saturated color. d.) the pages are filled with great, photo tutorials, yarn explanations, and easy to read charts. If you're a sock knitter, Socktopus is a must-have book. If you're not, well, it still is.

The work that had to go into putting this book together, kind of makes my head explode. It's an amazing collection of photos, articles, information and inspiration celebrating our love of knitting. In other words: a veritable, written candy store for stitchers! You'll keep this book on your coffee table or nightstand, for those moments you want to sneak a little tidbit from its pages. Whether you're in need of a knit tip, are interested in some history, are curious about new fibers, or want to meet a few yarn-y personalities (like yours truly on Pg. 175) in the industry, Knitter's Life List will make any knitter's day a bit brighter.

If you're into beading or jewelry making, then you've likely heard of my friend Margot Potter. She's whip-smart, prolific and good in bead. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) Margot's latest book explores making jewelry using "unexpected combinations" of materials along with the obligatory wire and beads. In this book you can expect to learn to work with both vintage and modern baubles, found objects, buttons, findings and gems, as well as how to put them together using a myriad of techniques. Each step of every piece Margot has created, is beautifully photographed and explained in easy-to-understand detail. Oh and hey, for the hookers among us, there's even a crocheted wire necklace tutorial. Holla'! Get wired; get this book.

BONUS: I have two copies of Margot Potter's book to give away. Just post a comment that includes your real name (if you use a screen name) and your favorite jewelry medium to work with, by March 8th to win! Winner's will be posted as an update here.



  1. I'm Emily and I love crocheting necklaces out of funky yarn.

  2. What a great book list! I make a lot of jewelry with precious and semi-precious beads. I like using wire and learning new techniques. --enidb

  3. Lindsey Wyatt - I love to work with glass beads

  4. i got the knitter's life list for christmas last year. great book.

  5. I just finished my first knit bracelet with silk yarn and beads. I also enjoy crochet with wire and beads.

  6. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Deb Vikander- i love working with polymer clay beads that I have made along with sterling silver wire.

  7. Wow, so many neat ideas to work with in these books!

  8. Beth Fulton .... I have knitted and felted bracelets

  9. Beth Fulton .... I have knitted and felted bracelets.

  10. Melody Johnson

    I love to work with glass beads. There are so many styles and colors to choose from.

  11. Michele here, I like to work with glass beads. All of these books look awesme! Thanks for the chance.

  12. I love to knit and crochet jewelry items from wire with beads.
    Kimberly Reid

  13. Heather here, I love to craft and explore new techniques. thanks for the inspiration!

  14. I love freshwater pearls and semi-precious gemstones, but like to jump out of my comfort zone on occasion, too. Thanks,
    Holly Davis

  15. Ok I'm the Funny humorous crafter I live for new techniques I'm the woman of demionsions I love gto win a book this is my best years of my life I'm finally into what I love

  16. Love working with wire and resin!

  17. I'll have to check out the stencil book, I always just thought of stencils to be used with some kind of paint. I never thought about using them with embroidery thread or felting! The jewelry book looks fascinating as well, If I win the book the first thing I'll do is make that doodle flower. And if I don't win it, I'm gonna go buy it and make that doodle flower!

  18. Love making beaded crochet jewelry.

  19. My name is Julee Boole Fo-Foolee, oh you meant real as in what's on my Passport not what my mother calls me? Julee Herrmann and I am a soldering Diva :)

  20. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Melissa Trafton. Newby beader. Love wire and glass beads.

  21. Hi,

    It's a mad toss up between ArtClay Silver/Copper and wire work. Of course, I've also got boxes and boxes of lovely beads that call may name often.

    It's all good - so many options, so little time :)

  22. Anonymous7:21 PM

    My name is Bev and I craft jewelery pieces from rafia!

  23. Mainly, these online books consist of Western cultural literature, but they also include novels, short stories, drama, cookbooks, periodicals and reference books, all of which are available mostly in plain text format.

  24. Definitely glass beads, crystals, and semi-precious stones.

    Ravelry: knitsannechains
    Email: knitsannechainsATgmailDOTcom

  25. I love to use polymer clay and wire to create unique and fun jewelry.

  26. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I love to knit and
    Crochet! I've been fallowing since you Vicky started knitty gritty ! Im addicted to neddles and yarns. My name
    Is Dora in I live in California.

  27. My name is Jackie and I like to crochet with beads!

  28. I've never done jewelry, but my Cuz uses wire, which I think is awesome, and would try that, if given the chance.

  29. My name is Misty and wire with stones is my favortie to work with. With knitting, I love cotton and microfiber blends.

  30. I'm Jessica, and I love making beaded shawls as neck candy. I do a lot of organza flowers, so anything with beads is great!

  31. My name is Odessa and I like to make crazy art yarn necklaces.

